Mia DöringProfile Photo

Mia Döring

Psychotherapist & Author

Mia Döring is a psychotherapist specializing in sexual trauma and is the author of the bestselling memoir Any Girl, A Memoir of Sexual Exploitation and Recovery. Mia is also a writer; her essays, fiction and articles have been published in Litro Magazine, The Bohemyth, Ropes Journal and Huffington Post.

As an activist, Mia successfully campaigned for the introduction of the Nordic Model of prostitution legislation in Ireland, which was passed in 2017. She is a TedX speaker and works closely with SPACE International, a sex trade survivor-lead organization working towards prostitution being recognized as sexual abuse.

Nov. 29, 2023

Unwanted Sex

The sexual exploitation industries have been extremely successful in penetrating (pun intended) every layer of society - and like Gail Dines calls it - “pornifying our culture”. But amid full decriminalization of prostituti…
Guest: Mia Döring